Zopicon is commonly used to treat insomnia, a medical condition which describes the inability to fall asleep and/or stay asleep for extended periods of time. It’s a controlled substance, so you’ll need a prescription for it and it is advisable that you stay under your doctor’s careful supervision while taking the medication. Zopicon is generic of zopiclone manufactured by Intas. You can buy Zopicon online in the USA, UK, Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore. The cost of zopiclone varies depending on the dosage and quantity. You can find zopiclone prices above.

Be sure to not change your zopiclone (Zopicon) dosage or stop taking the medication without consulting your healthcare provider first. The following information is only provided for reference purposes.

The generic form of zopiclone is best known under the brand name Zopicon, and it is likely the szopiclone form that will be prescribed to you. Lunesta comes in oral tablets that have a strength of 7.5 mg, and so does zopiclone if you prefer to go for the generic version. Some manufacturers can offer more dosages and different forms, including powdered zopiclone, but we recommend sticking with the best-known manufacturers that produce Zopicon in standard 7.5mg, dosage.

Before you buy Zopicon 7.5 it is recommended to discuss dosing limits. Adults (aged between 18 and 64) should start taking szopiclone at 7.5 mg per day. The pill is to be taken right before bedtime, and never taken throughout the day. If you find that the low initial dosage isn’t helping with your insomnia symptoms or isn’t enough, you’ll need to discuss that with your doctor. He or she will increase your zopiclone dosage  if it is safe for you. The maximum adult dosage for zopiclone is 15 mg.

Children (aged 17 and younger) should not take zopiclone because the effect of this drug on the developing body in mind is still not fully known. Thus, there is no medical evidence to prove that using zopiclone in children is safe.

Senior people (aged 65 and older) usually start with the same initial dosage as adults do, but the maximum dosage for this patient group is 12-15 mg. zopiclone is to be taken right before bedtime and all side effects are to be reported to the healthcare provider. The same is true for people of all ages who suffer from severe liver problems.

Make sure to never take more zopiclone (Intas Zopicon) than was prescribed to you and don’t increase your daily dosage on your own. Doing so will increase your chances of developing zopiclone side effects, particularly daytime drowsiness.

Do not hesitate to seek emergency medical help if you develop one of the serious szopiclone side effects, including feeling extremely sleepy during daytime and sleepwalking. The severity of these symptoms may vary and they could be life-threatening, especially if you start doing things in you sleep. Many people don’t remember the things they do in this condition, and they pose a threat to both their own and other people’s health and well-being.

Zopiclone (Zopicon) is known to interact with a range of medications, so it is crucial that before you buy Zopicon you inform your doctor about all pharmaceuticals you’re currently taking. These include prescription and OTC medications, as well as vitamins and food additives. Depending on the nature of the interaction, its impact on your body is also going to be different. Some zopiclone interactions may increase the effect of another pharmaceutical you’re taking, while others will minimize or even cancel it out.

The full list of medications that interact with zopiclone is quite long and it is only a qualified healthcare professional who can determine whether it is safe for you to use zopiclone or not. Thus, do not neglect to make an extensive list of all pharmaceuticals you’re currently using and show it to your doctor. It will save you some time during the appointment and allow your healthcare provider to assess the safety of using zopiclone in your particular case. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor any questions you might have about zopiclone interactions and ways they can affect you.


50, 100, 200, 300, 600


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